Seen Out Loud

How to Influence Systems Change with Dr. Bruce Perry

April 20, 2022 Institute for Family Season 2 Episode 1

Dr. Bruce Perry and Matt pick up from their conversation in Season 1 to dive deeper into strategies for creating positive change for families. Hear Dr. Bruce Perry give his advice for organizations like the Institute for Family on what it takes to make an impact—from shifting mindsets through storytelling to creating sustainable connections in communities.

Show Notes 

00:02:00  | Picking up from S1 E3: PEOPLE CHANGE THROUGH STORIES, Matt recalls a compelling statement from Dr. Bruce Perry.

00:08:30  | Matt asks, “If our systems are a collection of individuals who make decisions, to address the issues of those who have been marginalized is it about a mass number of people changing through story, or a right select group of people that hold the right power, or some combination of [those options]?”  

00:10:13  | What changes people’s minds? 

00:12:00  | Matt and Dr. Bruce Perry discuss how the Institute for Family is making progress with the strategy of storytelling to influence thinking and behaviors. 

00:13:45  | Dr. Bruce Perry reflects on the historical impact of storytelling.  “Ultimately, the most efficiently transmitted information is relationally mediated.” 

00:14:50  | Matt notes the difference in narrative between the status quo perspective that childhood adversity is an individualistic parenting problem with “bad parents” and the shifting viewpoint that long-term, systemic inequities are part of the issue.   

00:15:18  | Matt and Dr. Perry talk about the needs and challenges in solving systemic issues through community connectedness.  

00:19:00  | If organizations want to create conditions in communities that help families succeed, what can they focus on? 

00:20:45  | Dr. Bruce Perry examines society’s expectations on parenting. “Parenting is hard even if you have a bunch of people in the house." 

00:21:21  | To meet family needs, should systems be focused on providing better programs and direct services or on creating better community conditions? 

00:27:30  | Dr. Bruce Perry gives advice for family providers and advocates.  

00:28:46  | Final thoughts from Matt Anderson 

How the Media Shapes Our Perception of HIV and AIDS | Healthline
Public health campaigns using storytelling - Digital Storytelling for Change |
Emotive content while learning a concept – What Makes Storytelling So Effective for Learning? | Harvard Business Publishing
Book: What Happened to You? Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing | Author: Oprah Winfrey and Bruce D. Perry, M.D., Ph.D.

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